When you’re experiencing neck and shoulder pain it can be so uncomfortable that you can’t focus on anything else. It gets difficult to focus on work, family or even activities that you enjoy like reading a book or completing a CrossFit WOD.

Neck and shoulder pain can be related to a number of things such as sleeping positions, not stretching before a workout, excessive computer use, bad posture or stress. Some of our clients with chronic neck and shoulder pain have found relief from stress and migraines with the help of consistent massage therapy.

Neck and shoulder massage therapy is a safe and effective treatment for common neck and shoulder pain. At Spa La Posada, our Neck & Shoulder Tension Relief Massage incorporates a variety of massage techniques to provide immediate release of muscle tension. Our therapists can also show you stretches that can be done on a daily basis to provide even further relief.

Our professional massage therapists recommend 25-minute treatments twice a week for the first 4 weeks to see results.

Benefits of neck and shoulder massage:

  • -Reduces pain and relieves pressure on nerves
  • -Increases neck and shoulder range of motion
  • -Promotes relaxation and reduces stress
  • -Helps prevent future strain
  • -Increases the level of oxygen in your blood leading to a decrease in muscle toxins
  • -Natural management of chronic pain

Visit spalaposada18.wpengine.com/spa-massage to learn more about our Neck & Shoulder Tension Relief Massage. Contact Spa La Posada today to schedule your massage therapy session so you can work your way to pain relief.
